Monday, June 20, 2011

June 20, 2011

Sounds like things were pretty exciting for y'all, I'm glad to hear that Kirsten had a fun trip over in India that's cool. well this week as far as missionary work goes wasn't the greatest both Wednesday and Thursday we where over at the doctors Wednesday for my comp and Thursday for my knee, which I'm getting an MRI done on it come this next Thursday to let y'all know. and than Thursday we spent from 1 to 8 at the Fontana Speedway (which is in the city of Fontana and is where they hold nascar events and such stuff) we were there helping out with some college thing, colleges from around the world come over and build formula one cars and than race them and stuff and we go help with security and whatever they need us to do. it was pretty cool they had a teams from Japan, Great Britain, China, and a bunch from around the USA like MIT and just a bunch of other colleges. o and also Thursday night I had food poison so that wasn't so fun but it didn't last long so that's good. Also we got some really awesome potential investigators that we should be able to start meeting with come next week so we are pretty excited about it. anyway hope all stays well for everyone and wish dad and grandpa a happy late Fathers Day for me and Kirsten a happy birthday. love y'all and god bless.

elder brough

June 14, 2011

Thats way crazy about the weather it is so hot down here lol but thats pretty cool that you could go skiing in july thats tight. So on Sunday we had Alexis baptism it was way awesome she is such a cool young lady, she is so strong and has such a great testimony its just been awesome. I got a new comp Elder Floyd he is from South Carolina and also he was one of my roommates at the MTC so we are are having a blast and doing a lot of work its a blast. Well I gotta go I love y'll take luck and God bless.

elder brough

June 6, 2011

I am not being transferred but my comp is so we will see who he is. This week was good especially the weekend first off Saturday eve was probally the hardest day at being a missionary for me, cause in my area there is San Manuel Amphitheater where they host concerts and so on Saturday eve they had a Tim McGraw concert with Luke Bryan and the Band Perry, and man I wanted to go so bad and to make things better Friday night at dinner one of my members I found out works there and said that if I wasn't on a mission she could have gotten me in for free ugh :) o well i guess I'll just have to come back and try for it again lol. That aside Sunday was by far better during fast and testimony meeting our investigator Alexis got up and bore her testimony and said that she asked her parents for permission to get baptised her mom said yeah theres no problem there but her dad has been way negative and against it but when she asked he said if that's what ya believe in than its OK it was soooooooo cool to hear her say that it was a way awesome moment in the meeting she is such way cool young lady I'm way excited about it. and so well that's about it. love ya all and god bless.

elder brough

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 1, 2011

Well sorry I wasn't able to email on Monday, but anyway not to much is different going on right now though we are about to set a date with Alexis the 16 yr old investigator that we have so its way tight we are just praying that her parents hearts are softened cause they are against it and shes going to be asking so we are holding our breath. but other than that though nothing has changed. transfers are coming up this weekend so ill let ya know what happens with that. Well best wishes ta Kirst and the family and happy anniversary to grandma and grandpa. Take luck and God bless.

Elder Brough

Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 23, 2011

Thats to bad about Mandy hope all goes well. Thats cool about the jeep so who is going to be driving that around? So as for me this week was crazy we met up with Alexis (16yr old investigator) at our Bishops house on Wednesday and taught her the plan of salvation it went way well she just soaks everything up and afterwards we watched the Prophet of the Restoration and sister case ( bishops wife) bore her testimony to her it was so cool, we are waiting for her parents hearts to soften and than she will be baptised. Then we did service for a former investigator named Jody her house had a mold problem so we went and helped her out for a few hours she would've been baptised by now but her husband wouldn't let her, which is a wierd case cause i think thay are still together but they live in seperate houses across the street from each other and he was there helping us out and he seemed like a really nice guy he was to us anyway so we don't quite know whats going on with them. then for a lot of the rest of the week we did a bunch of service for a few of the members and a less active guy and so that was about it. I love ya all tons, take luck and God bless.

elder brough

May 16, 2011

Well this week was pretty good we got two new investigators, a lady named Jody, that we have been trying to get a hold of for about a month or so we finally got in to see her and are going back over Wednesday to help her with some stuff with her house she is remodeling it and we are going to start teaching her too its going to be awesome. The other is a younger gal a sophmore in high school she was invited to come to church by some of the youth in my ward three weeks ago and has been coming ever sense my comp and district leader taght her on Saturday and commited her to baptism she said she wanted to but needs to get permission from her parents first. I wasn't able to be there cause i was at the Temple for Eimy she was a recent convert up in Crest Line she went and got her endownments and after we went to a sealing for some friends from there as well it was all way neat first sealing I ever been to it was a cool experience. Anyway that was pretty much my week I'll talk to ya all later. Love ya all and god bless.

elder brough

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 9, 2011

It was nice talking to ya all yesterday I really don't know what to say cause we already talked lol so love ya all lots.

elder brough

This was the e-mail I got on Monday after we talked on Mothers day. Kevin is doing really good, it was so fun to hear his voice again and kind of exciting because at the end he said "well I guess the next time I talk to you it will be at the Airport". I can't believe how fast yet how slow the time has gone. I look forward to him being home yet I will miss having two missionaries out. What a joy and blessing this experience has been for our family.